Frequently Asked Questions

I have not received the registration confirmation email on the online platform.

If the confirmation email does not reach your email when you register, wait a few minutes and check your inbox again. If after a few minutes it still does not arrive, check your spam folder.

If the message does not reach your inbox or spam folder, contact technical support at the following email address indicating that the registration email did not reach you.

What certificate should i get first?

If you do not have any certificate, first you have to obtain the A1-A3 certificate, once you obtain the A1-A3 certificate you can obtain the A2 certificate or the STS certificate according to your needs.

How are the courses organized?

All courses are organized in blocks, the first blocks correspond to the theoretical content of the course, after the theoretical block there is a block where you can take the exam, and finally a block where you can download the certificate in the case of successfully passing the exam or instructions on how to retake the course if you fail the exam.

In courses A2 and STS there are extra blocks where you will be asked to upload documents to the platform or blocks in which you will be asked to contact Anac to request an appointment to carry out activities in person at the Anac or associated facilities.

All blocks have to be done sequentially, starting with the first block. Once you finish block 1, block 2 is unlocked and you can do it, once you finish block 2, block 3 is unlocked and so on until the last block.

What requirements do I need to take the A1-A3, A2 or STS course?

To take the A1-A3 course you need to be 16 years old.

To take the A2 course you need to meet the requirements for the A1-A3 course and also have the A1-A3 certificate.

To take the STS course you need to meet the requirements for the A1-A3 course and also have the A1-A3 certificate or the A2 certificate.

I cannot access the theoretical part of the contents in course A2

The theoretical part of course A2 is blocked by default.

To access the theoretical part of the A2 course, you will first be asked to prove that you are in possession of the A1-A3 certificate (requirement to be able to take the A2 course) and that you upload it to the platform through the first block of sending certificates to Have an administrator verify that your certificate is valid.

Once verified, you will receive a message informing you that the review of your document has already been carried out. At that time, if you enter the platform in the first block of sending certificates, you will be able to see if your document was accepted and the theoretical part will be unlocked so you can continue with the course. In the event that your document is not correct, the administrator will notify you of the problem with said document and you will have to upload the certificate again.

I cannot access the theoretical part of the contents in course STS

The theoretical part of the STS course is locked by default.

To access the theoretical part of the STS course, you will first be asked to prove that you are in possession of the A1-A3 certificate or the A2 certificate (requirement to be able to take the STS course) and that you upload it to the platform through the first block of Send certificates for an administrator to verify that your certificate is valid.

Once verified, you will receive a message informing you that the review of your document has already been carried out. At that time, if you enter the platform in the first block of sending certificates, you will be able to see if your document was accepted and the theoretical part will be unlocked so you can continue with the course. In the event that your document is not correct, the administrator will notify you of the problem with said document and you will have to upload the certificate again.

Do I need to have both A1-A3 and A2 certificates to be able to take the STS course?

You don't need both, having either one is enough.

You can take the STS course if you only have the A1-A3 certificate, for this, upload said certificate in the document validation section that is in the first block of the STS course.

You can also take the STS course if you have the A2 certificate, for this, upload said certificate in the document validation section that is in the first block of the STS course.

The contents of the theoretical part and the exam of the STS course may vary depending on which certificate you upload to the platform to validate it.