Valid to operate C0 drones on people not involved (but never about roundups) and C1 drones near people.



- Justification

- Goals

- Eligible candidates

- Useful information

- Syllables (PART 1, PArt 2 and PART 3)

PARTE 1 Regulation

I. Aviation Regulation

a) Aviation system

b) Open category Applicable rules

c) UAS labeled with a Conformity class marking, legacy UAS and privately build UAS

d) Limited category transition periods

e) Responsibilities of the UAS operator and the remote pilot

f) Incident and accident Reporting system

g) Mutual recognition

h) Non- compliance with open category

II. Airspace restrictions

a) Geographical Zones

b) Where to find and what to do

c) What should be expected if operating in another MS?

III. Privacy and data protection


b) Guidelines

c) What should be expected if operating in another MS?

IV. Insurance

a) Liability

b) What are the regulations

c) Differences between the members states – What is important if operating in another MS?

PARTE 2 Security

V. Security against unlawful acts

a) Understanding the security

b) Impacts

c) How to mitigate security risks

d) What to do

VI. Air Safety, Human Performance Limitations and General knowledge of UAS

a) Safety precautions

b) Environmental factors and limitations

c) VLOS operations

d) Familiarisation with the operational environment

e) What is

f) What can effect

g) Identify level of fitness to preform operational tasks

h) Principles of flight

i) Adverse conditions and UAS performance

j) Manufacturer instructions Manual informations

VII. Operational procedures

a) Before the flight

b) During the flight

c) After the flight

Válido para operar drones C2 perto de pessoas / Valid for operating C2 drones near people



-Justificação / Justification

-Objetivos /Goals

-Candidatos elegíveis / Eligible candidates 

-Informações úteis / Useful information

-Sílabos (PARTE 1, PARTE 2, PARTE 3 e PARTE 4) / Syllables (PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 and PART 4)

PARTE 1 Meterologia / Meterology

(1) O efeito do clima na UA / The effect of weather on the UA

(i) vento (por exemplo, efeitos urbanos, turbulência) / wind (e.g. urban effects, turbulence)

(ii) temperatura / temperature

(iii) visibilidade / visibility

(iv) a densidade do ar / the density of the air

(2) obtenção de previsões do tempo / obtaining weather forecasts.


PARTE 2 Desempenho de voo do UAS / UAS flight performance

(1) o envelope operacional típico de um helicóptero, para asas fixas e configurações híbridas / the typical operational envelope of a rotorcraft, for fixed wing and hybrid configurations

(2) massa e equilíbrio e centro de gravidade (CG) / mass and balance, and centre of gravity (CG)

(3) proteger a carga útil / secure the payload

(4) baterias / batteries

PARTE 3 Medidas de atenuação técnica e operacional do risco no solo / Technical and operational risk mitigation measures in the soil

(1) funções de modo de baixa velocidade / low-speed mode functions

(2) avaliando a distância das pessoas / evaluating the distance from people

(3) a regra 1: 1 / the 1:1 rule.

This course will be available soon

Válido para operar drones usando um cenário padrão (STS).


  • PARTE-0: Introdução ao curso
  • PARTE-1: Relembrar conteúdos do curso A2
  • PARTE-2: Mitigações operacionais e técnicas para o risco no ar
    • 2.1. Princípios de EVLOS ao utilizar um observador de espaço aéreo
    • 2.2. Príncípios DAA (Detect and Avoid)
  • MÓDULO-3: Exercícios para praticar o exame

Valid to operate C0 drones on people not involved (but never about roundups) and C1 drones near people.



- Justification

- Goals

- Eligible candidates

- Useful information

- Syllables (PART 1, PArt 2 and PART 3)

PARTE 1 Regulation

I. Aviation Regulation

a) Aviation system

b) Open category Applicable rules

c) UAS labeled with a Conformity class marking, legacy UAS and privately build UAS

d) Limited category transition periods

e) Responsibilities of the UAS operator and the remote pilot

f) Incident and accident Reporting system

g) Mutual recognition

h) Non- compliance with open category

II. Airspace restrictions

a) Geographical Zones

b) Where to find and what to do

c) What should be expected if operating in another MS?

III. Privacy and data protection


b) Guidelines

c) What should be expected if operating in another MS?

IV. Insurance

a) Liability

b) What are the regulations

c) Differences between the members states – What is important if operating in another MS?

PARTE 2 Security

V. Security against unlawful acts

a) Understanding the security

b) Impacts

c) How to mitigate security risks

d) What to do

VI. Air Safety, Human Performance Limitations and General knowledge of UAS

a) Safety precautions

b) Environmental factors and limitations

c) VLOS operations

d) Familiarisation with the operational environment

e) What is

f) What can effect

g) Identify level of fitness to preform operational tasks

h) Principles of flight

i) Adverse conditions and UAS performance

j) Manufacturer instructions Manual informations

VII. Operational procedures

a) Before the flight

b) During the flight

c) After the flight